Commons Restoration (CORE)
We envision a world in which people come together in collective stewardship of the spaces where we shelter ourselves, grow food, and gather in stable, loving communities.
We recognize the ancestral wisdom traditions of many diverse groups of people around the world who have cared collectively for their homelands and thrived for generations in harmony with the earth and each other.
We strive to restore the commons through innovating cultural practices appropriate to our modern times, which will allow us to sustain long-term community & environmental health.
Within the Commons Restoration Land Trust Initiative, we aim to develop a model for affordable housing, neighborhood food production, and cooperative living, which provides for enduring housing & food security as well as neighborhood stabilization.
In this way, we intend to address and eliminate the fears and mechanisms that drive land speculation and the individual accumulation of wealth, which prevent resources from flowing toward ensuring everyone’s needs are met. We honor the truth that stable housing, wholesome food, and supportive relationships are basic needs that provide people with a foundation of health and well-being to help them thrive in all areas of their lives.
We work using the following methods and principles:
We listen, share, explore possibility, and deepen knowledge as part of our co-creative process of community building and solution development.
Our Active Objectives are:
Establish founding Commons Restoration Community in Pomona
Develop plain speech contracts for:
Collaborative land acquisition
Private property to land trust transitions
Stewardship & shelter lease agreements
Pilot co-housing agreement development process
Cultivate organizational homes/relationships for/with Land Trust Holders and Stewardship & Shelter Lease Holders
Subsequent Objectives include:
Replicate model for 2 independently owned homes (establishing landlord-tenant to land trust transition model)
Develop food production system on site at Pomona site
Build out necessary infrastructure at Pomona site
Call in additional collaborators (Pomona and CORE)
Translate plain speech contracts to Spanish
Publish pilot processes and share